I’m sitting here now and
the daylight is all but gone.
Just a faint glow of blue
Just a faint glow of blue
outside of the window.
There’s a tree growing somewhere---
There’s a tree growing somewhere---
I don’t know why I just had
that thought
There is a tree growing somewhere
& the beats of the wings of birds
There is a tree growing somewhere
& the beats of the wings of birds
perhaps an insect
flying in the wind
& these things are happening
in the world
& somewhere a wave roils
& rolls & builds
& hits the sand
with that selfsame crash
echoingall down
the coastline.
I poke open the curtains
I poke open the curtains
you have been away
from my arms
far too long---love
& my dog is watching the street
where nothing moves
save the wind.
In this post-sundown world
In this post-sundown world
I am ever much a part of you
as you are of me
& the two become so fused
they hardly become
Is this what they see?
When they see us or they see me or they see you
Is this what they see?
When they see us or they see me or they see you
they just see us.
Like one is not imagined
Like one is not imagined
without the other.
Somewhere a child laughs
Somewhere else another is conceived.
Somewhere a man sitsin a room
Somewhere a child laughs
Somewhere else another is conceived.
Somewhere a man sitsin a room
with oak paneling
Bowing a cello.
Bowing a cello.
& there you are
I want to parade you
aroundlike the newest kill
& watch as the boys
grow ill with envy
thumb in their pockets
sharpen their knives
wait for me to trip up.
Around here,
Around here,
the quail have all birthed their young
& you can watch them run,
Birds and their trees,
Birds and their trees,
don’t know if I’ve said this much
but most birds
are monogamous choosing one partner
for their short
feathered lives.
& I love you the best.
I rob the trains.
I chase down the Wells Fargo Stagecoach.
We burn the churches
& I love you the best.
I rob the trains.
I chase down the Wells Fargo Stagecoach.
We burn the churches
in the village square for you.
We watch as the enemy
We watch as the enemy
stuffs the powder
& ball into the cannon
& sends their spark
into the night.
All becauseI haveyou.
Many years from now
All becauseI haveyou.
Many years from now
or many days
may we rest on some long
hot afternoon
in the shade
You’re smiling’cos I said
You’re smiling’cos I said
god made the way of the world
and no other.
you need to let more of the words escape you. keep posting. here's a topic for you: what did you think of the Road, and how could any man not want to be a father after reading that book?